Do I need to earn my PDUs from PMI Registered Education Providers?

Earning your PDUs from PMI REPs (Registered Education Providers) has pros and cons compared to earning PDUs from other sources. One benefit of PDUs from REPs is that if a REP course or video is listed in the registered activities database in PMI’s CCRS, then the PDUs from that activity are pre-approved by PMI. The only documentation you will need is your certificate of completion for the course/video.

However, you should consider the following before earning PDUs from REPs:

  • you can earn the required 60 PDUs from reading PM-related books or ebooks;
  • most PMI REPs charge money for their PDU-granting courses or only let you earn 1 or 2 free PDUs (tip: we can show you the easiest ways to earn all your PDUs for free);
  • a lot of websites offer “free PDUs” that are not pre-approved CCRS-listed REP course activities, which means they are more likely to be rejected or require further documentation to be approved by PMI (tip: if done correctly, claiming PDUs for reading certain books is also an easy way to get your PDUs for your PMP renewal); and
  • unlike reading a book, you often need to watch videos and sometimes pass a quiz in order to earn PDUs from REPs.

Despite this, there are some great PDU sources we recommend to our supporters. Some of the things we’ve recently recommended to our members include:

  • a free online entry-level Six Sigma Certification Course;
  • pre-approved project management videos that submit your PDU claims automatically after you watch them;
  • a hidden way to speed up online video and audio playback;
  • links to free legal copies of books, ebooks, and PDFs that meets the required minimum 8 hours for each of the 3 categories of PMI’s Talent Triangle;
  • a list of free pre-approved videos from REPs that will automatically claim the required hours for each of the 3 categories of PMI’s Talent Triangle;
  • our online PMP renewal wizard that shows you how to quickly and easily claim all the free PDUs you need to meet all the requirements for PMP renewal;
  • and more.

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