How to speed up videos for earning PMP PDUs

How to speed up videos for earning PMP PDUs

There are lots of great sites with videos for earning PMP PDUs. My favorite free videos are these ones because if you log in with your account, you will get pre-approved PDUs just for watching (no quizzes!). Here’s a neat trick to speed up the video if the pace is too slow. You’ll still earn one PDU for each hour of video, so if you […]

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Do I need to earn my PDUs from PMI Registered Education Providers?

Do I need to earn my PDUs from PMI Registered Education Providers?

Earning your PDUs from PMI REPs (Registered Education Providers) has pros and cons compared to earning PDUs from other sources. One benefit of PDUs from REPs is that if a REP course or video is listed in the registered activities database in PMI’s CCRS, then the PDUs from that activity are pre-approved by PMI. The only documentation you will need is your certificate of completion for the course/video. […]

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How I renew my PMP using only free PDUs for PMP recertification

How I renew my PMP using only free PDUs for PMP recertification

Here’s how I use only free PDUs for PMP recertification to renew my PMP® every 3 years. I don’t waste time or money paying for more unneeded PDU courses. I get enough real-world professional development and learning from the awesome projects and people I work with. But to renew my PMP, I need to document that I’ve earned certain types of PDUs following PMI’s rules. The PMP renewal rules are complicated, which results in many PMPs paying […]

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Learn how makes your PMP certification renewal easier

Learn how makes your PMP certification renewal easier

I created to help my fellow PMPs save money, time, and hassle by sharing ideas with each other about PMP renewal. No more last-minute scrambles to figure out the renewal process or earn more PDUs before your certification expires. With the RenewPM™ PMP Renewal Wizard, you can quickly learn everything you need to renew your PMP certification before it expires. You don’t need to waste time or money on […]

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PMP PDU – What is a PDU? What are the rules for earning PDUs?

PMP PDU – What is a PDU? What are the rules for earning PDUs?

What is a PMP PDU? In PMI-speak, a PMP PDU is a “Professional Development Unit”, which is equivalent to one hour of project management education or other professional development activities. Why are PDUs important for PMPs? When you renew your PMP (or other PMI certification), you are required to document the hours you have spent in “professional development” activities (such as watching exciting project management videos […]

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